bij (at)
het (the)
te (to)
ten Arnhem (At Arnhem)
van (from)
de (the)
de Krosse (The Krosse)
de Krasse (The Krasse)
van Dyn (Van Dyn)
vandyn (Vandyn)
naar (to)
aan (to)
voor (in front of)
kamer (room)
kamer Amsterdam (Room Amsterdam / Chamber Amsterdam)
Newspaper subtitles mentioned these four words under Civil Status:
Ondertrouwd (Signed)
Gehuwd (Married)
Bevallen (Delivered)
Overleden (Passed away)
For years, there are these terms:
40 years old (40 jaar oud)
50 years (50 year)
6 years (6 jaar)
For age or period, there are these terms:
old (oud)
older (ouder)
oldest (oudste)
For relationships, there are these terms:
son (zoon)
sons (zonen)
son-in-law (schoonzoon)
daughter (dochter)
daughters (dochters)
daughter-in-law (schoondochter)
father (vader)
fathers (vaders)
father-in-law (schoonvader)
father of bride (Vader van de bruid)
father of groom (Vader van bruidegom)
mother (moeder)
mothers (moeders)
mother-in-law (schoonmoeder)
mother of the groom (Moeder van de bruidegom)
mother of the bride (Moeder van de bruid)
brother (broer)
brothers (broers)
brother-in-law (zwager)
brother of the groom (Broer van de bruidegom)
brother of the bride (Broer van de bruid)
sister (zus)
sisters (zusters)
sister-in-law (schoonzuster)
sister of the groom (Zus van de bruidegom)
sister of the bride (Zus van de bruid)
For military jobs, there are these terms:
Military (Leger)
Marine (marinier)
Soldier (Soldaat)
Lieutenant (Luitenant)
Lieutenant general (Luitenant Generaal)
Lieutenant colonel (Luitenant Kolonel)
For carpenters, there are these terms:
carpenter (zimmermann)
head carpenter (kopfschreiner)
assistant carpenter (assistent schreiner)
For females, there are these terms:
lady (dame)
maid (maid)
housemaid (Hausmädchen)
home (zuhause)
homemaker (hausfrau)
For male status, there are these terms:
boy (junge)
boys (jungen)
young boy (junge)
old boy (alter junge)
man (mann)
men (Männer)
married man (verheirateter Mann)
married men (Verheiratete Männer)
unmarried man (Unverheirateter Mann)
widower (witwer)
For female status, there are these terms:
girl (Mädchen)
girls (Mädchen)
married girls (Verheiratete Mädchen)
unmarried girls (Unverheiratete Mädchen)
widow (Witwe)
widows (Witwen)
widowed (verwitwet)
For animals on the farm and food, there are these terms:
cat (Katze)
cats (Katzen)
cattle (das Vieh)
cattles (Kalppert)
hen (Henne)
hens (Hennen)
chicken (Hähnchen)
chicken flesh (Hühnerfleisch)
turkey (Truthahn)
turkey flesh (Truthahnfleisch)
sheep (Schaf)
mutton (Hammelfleisch)
sheepdog (Schäferhund)
dog (Hund)
hound dog (Jagdhund)
pig (Schwein)
pigs (Schweine)
pork (Schweinefleisch)
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